
How DO YOU Remove a trojan virus?

Has your computer been infected with a trojan virus? Don't worry, you are not the only one. In fact studies have shown the trojan virus to be the most common method of virus infection on the internet. The trojan gets it's name from the mythological story of the Trojan Horse. In ancient times, the Trojans were able to penetrate the city of Sparta by presenting the Spartan's with what appeared to be a desirable object. Trojan viruses present themselves to you as a desirable program or function. If infected you need a trojan virus remover in order to properly delete it.

How did your computer get infected with the trojan horse virus? Trojans are "executable" programs which mean you have to install it yourself. They will appear in the form of a "exe", "vbs", "com", or a "bat" file. There are so many ways these viruses can appear but these are the most popular methods of infection:

1.Rogue anti spyware uses false positive warnings to trick you into installing trojan
2.Opened a file contained within a spam email
3.Sneaks onto your computer through "codec" prompt after downloading a multimedia file
4.Malicious website hijacks your browser and forces you to install trojan

Before we get to removing the trojan virus it is important to know how to prevent them. The most important thing is to USE A FIREWALL. Windows XP and Vista users make sure your firewall is turned on! For XP users this can be done by going to "Control Panel" and then "Security Center". If that option is not available then go to "Network Connections" and it will tell you if your connection is firewalled. Vista users your firewall should automatically be on.

Now that your computer is protected then you are ready to learn how to remove a trojan virus. First off I do not really recommend removing trojan viruses manually. Perhaps in the past this was a viable option but with newer strains infecting the internet this can prove very difficult. They now attach themselves to your registry files making it very difficult and dangerous to just start removing them. To properly kill the malicious files you need a trojan virus remover. Luckily I have found a program that can not only get rid of a trojan virus, it can also delete spyware, adware, and other malware. Have a look!

Tired of viruses infecting your computer? Want to surf the web with the peace of mind that your computer is safe and secure? Get your free scan from the top trojan virus remover on the market today!

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