
How to remove SearchAssist.net Hijacker?

Well, can anyone help me please? I want to know if this SearchAssist.net is good to use or not. Now it has been my homepage and default search engine on Internet Explorer, but the Google search was the original search engine actually. Now it is gone. I don’t know how this happen on the browser. I am not very computer literate and I hope you guys can help me to get rid of it.

Description of SearchAssist.net Hijacker

SearchAssist.net is not reliable and useful search engine but a browser hijacker which is created by cyber criminals to spread ads, malware, virus, worm and other threats to infect computer. People get this nasty hijacker mainly via drive-by download from the virus-infected and unsafe websites. To further illustrate, when people download apps, programs from a virus-infected webpage, this browser hijacker even other threats will comes to the computer during the process of downloading things. While entering into your computer, it modifies the default setting of your browser to take control of browser totally. And then the homepage and search engine will become SearchAssist.net. It will block your resource and redirect your search to some unknown malicious websites which contain various threats like attractive porn video, flash picture, pop-up ads, fake update message or dangerous links. Once your computer gets this SearchAssist.net redirect, and then whatever you try to look up on via search engine, you will always be redirected to SearchAssist.net URL or its related malicious websites which also have viruses like malwares, adwares, worms, Trojans, aggressive toolbar, extensions or add-ons. If computer is infected with one of these infections, your computer will get stuck or becomes more severe. Removing this hijacker in time is the prompt action to protect computer.

In fact, SearchAssist.net hijacker does more dad influence than what mentioned above to the computer if it is not eradicated in time. This hijacker can find out vulnerabilities and use those security loopholes as a bridge to introduce other dangerous infections to computer. If the computer gets infected with more infections, the system will load and run more process. The more processes running in the system, the slower the computer performs. Therefore, computer will suffer from a slow performance even a crash of infected system as time passes but users cannot do anything with the chaos on the computer. Besides, it has ability to change browser DNS to block you access the Internet. What make victims become crazy is that SearchAssist.net hijacker can help hackers take control of their computer and work on it to steal vital and valuable personal information for illegal behavior. For example, some victims may suffer from financial loss due to this hijacker. Therefore, if you find SearchAssist.net browser hijacker on the computer, you should first figure out a way to eradicate it as soon as possible. Don’t keep it on the computer for a long time and let it get the chance to damage the computer.

Main Traits of SearchAssist.net Hijacker

-Can change your homepage or the default search engine to SearchAssist.net and it totally prevents you from changing them back

-Can always redirect you to other websites

-Can pop up various advertisements and sponsored links randomly to interrupt your online activities

-Can create many junk files which occupy a lot of space in hard drive

-Can download other malicious programs into computer, which make further damage.

-Can collect and send data concerning your search history and other browsing activities.


SearchAssist.net hijacker is a harmful infection to the computer. It changes thehomepage and search engine totally and prevents online users from changing back, redirects them to its URL or other malicious websites, steals their personal data and displays endless pop-ups on the screen to prevent them from getting online normally and smoothly. Don’t think SearchAssist.net browser hijacker is not as harmful as those stubborn viruses like Trojan horse, ransomware, worms, since it can also bring those harmful viruses to infect the computer, which will greatly slow down PC and make it run as a snail and further harm to mess up system files and damage system severely.

