
How to Uninstall Ukash Virus?

The Ukash Virus is a colloquial nickname for a family of ransomware Trojans that display fraudulent police alerts, block you from using other applications and threaten you with legal action if you don’t pay a fee within a short time period. Preferred payment methods for this fine include Paysafecard and Ukash – hence the Ukash Virus’s name. The Ukash Virus family is especially notable for tailoring its warning messages to local regions and having many different variants for different countries. SpywareRemove.com malware researchers have noted that the Ukash Virus is particularly widespread in Europe, but there are also variants of the Ukash Virus that are designed for American or Canadian PCs. If you see a warning message that resembles a Ukash Virus’s pop-up, you should, firstly, try to disable the Ukash Virus, and secondly, use appropriate anti-malware software to delete the Ukash Virus infection. Under no cases should you ever feel it necessary to pay a Ukash Virus fine, which is, itself, an illegal request.

The Ukash Virus: a Globetrotter with Crime on Its Mind

Variants of the Ukash Virus may be distributed in a number of ways, although SpywareRemove.com malware researchers have noted that many recent Ukash Virus attacks have involved drive-by-download exploits from malicious websites. Ukash Virus infections are immediately noticeable due to their primary symptom: an HTML page that covers your entire desktop and Windows interface. This web page is crafted to look like a country-specific legal warning against embarrassing or common crimes such as child pornography trafficking or illegal music downloads. Most variants of Ukash Virus pop-ups will also display your IP address, some will display a fake ‘video recording’ notice, and all of them will claim to be from some form of unrelated law enforcement organization.

Where the Buck Stops with the Ukash Virus

Although Ukash Virus pop-ups claim to have legal authority and may even warn you of consequences to your PC (such as file deletion) if you don’t pay their fines, you should never feel the need to pay the ransom from Ukash Virus infections or other ransomware attacks. Resolutions to most Ukash Virus problems are easier to find than you might expect, since SpywareRemove.com malware researchers have found that common variants of the Ukash Virus only use their pop-ups to block other programs and, therefore, can be disabled to renew complete access to your PC. No known variants of the Ukash Virus actually possess any ability to carry out their threats, and ignoring their warnings is safer for both your PC and bank account than the converse.

Disabling the Ukash Virus is achievable through various methods, with popular techniques including booting to Safe Mode or booting Windows from a USB-based HD device. Since recent Ukash Virus infections have been distributed via browser exploits, SpywareRemove.com malware research team stresses that having good browser settings and a strong anti-malware program to block drive-by-downloads can help to prevent your PC from being the Ukash Virus’s next target. In spite of their nicknames, Ukash Virus-based PC threats aren’t true viruses and do not have any known ability to infect wide varieties of other files.

